

Stop Filming Us Movie 2021

IMDb Rating: approximately 7.2

“Stop Filming Us” is a 2020 documentary film directed by Joris Postema. The documentary explores the complex and often controversial relationship between Western documentary filmmakers and the people they film in conflict zones, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It delves into questions of representation, power, and the ethics of documentary filmmaking.


The film follows the experiences of Congolese residents and the documentary filmmakers who have come to the DRC to tell their stories. It raises critical questions about who has the authority to represent a particular community or region and how the camera can be used as both a tool for storytelling and a source of exploitation.


“Stop Filming Us” examines themes related to representation, cultural imperialism, and the impact of media on marginalized communities. It challenges the traditional power dynamics present in documentary filmmaking and calls for a more ethical and equitable approach to representing the stories of others.


  • The documentary features real-life individuals from the Democratic Republic of Congo, including residents and filmmakers, who share their perspectives and experiences.

Director and Production Team

  • Director: Joris Postema
  • Producers: Eric Dupain, Joris Postema, and others


“Stop Filming Us” has received acclaim for its thought-provoking exploration of the ethics and responsibilities of documentary filmmakers. It challenges viewers to critically examine the role of Western media in shaping narratives about the Global South and highlights the importance of collaboration and consent in documentary storytelling.


“Stop Filming Us” is a documentary that confronts important questions about representation, power, and ethics in documentary filmmaking, particularly in conflict zones like the Democratic Republic of Congo. It serves as a thought-provoking and critical examination of the impact of Western media on marginalized communities and the need for more equitable and respectful storytelling practices.

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