The App That Stole Christmas Movie 2020

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The App That Stole Christmas Movie 2020

Director: Felix Rhome

Meet Felix Rhome, the brilliant inventor behind a revolutionary Christmas shopping app. His company, Bomazon, has soared into the Fortune 100 thanks to his creation, but there’s a catch. The app that was supposed to make Christmas easier may actually be destroying the holiday spirit.

A Digital Divide in the Name of Christmas

As people become obsessed with Felix’s Bomazon Christmas App, they’re losing touch with the heart of the season—connecting with one another. Even Felix’s own family falls prey to this digital addiction, straining his relationships and leaving him feeling empty.

Trapped in Santa’s Village: A Wake-Up Call

Felix’s life takes an unexpected turn when he’s mysteriously transported to Santa’s Village Resort. There, he meets Ray, a special elf, who guides him on a quest to rediscover the true meaning of Christmas: “presence, not presents.” Along this journey, Felix faces challenges that transform his perspective.

Rekindling the Christmas Spirit

With newfound wisdom, Felix makes a vow to mend his business practices and personal life. He decides to prioritize the essence of Christmas, leaving behind the allure of financial success. His ultimate goal is to reunite with his family and create lasting memories filled with love and togetherness.

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